Friday, May 24, 2013

My Sailor is home!

The Truman came back yesterday. Hooray!

But my Sailor has duty today. Boo!

And it's raining cats and dogs. Boo!

But we took him lunch anyway. Hooray!

Samuel ate his nuggets while sitting on a box

This doesn't look heavy!

Samuel and Daddy (and Samuel's nugget)  ;)

With a tape measure in hand, Samuel decided to tackle the "knee knockers" in Daddy's Paraloft

Running in the shop- check out the (parachute) packing table!

Hey! I can climb under here!!

The view from the top of the packing table (for Samuel)

Daddy's embroidery machine doesn't look too complicated...
Future Parachute Rigger!

2 Parachute Riggers...and a Rigger baby!  :)

Boy! That ship is BIG!

Bye Daddy! We'll see you tomorrow morning!


  1. I'm so glad he's hoooooome!!! :)

  2. Wow - you have a busy little guy, eh? Sure looks like he was having a good time! I'm so thankful Jacob is home. What a blessing! I loved the family picture, too!!! Thanks for posting!!!!
