Monday, June 3, 2013

All good things must come to an end...

We had a great Sunday afternoon...

Celebrating Daddy's 35th birthday (1 day late)

Going for a dip like a big boy!

Almost as good as pushing around a broom  ;)

The happy couple

Our family of 3
With a not so great Sunday evening...

Yes, it's that time again.


  1. I'm so glad you had sweet time together. I love the pictures!!!!!

  2. Missing you on your blog. I bet you are missing someone too. I'm so glad you could get to Knoxville for the weekend. I hope things are going well - and I'm praying for you!

  3. Busy from morn til the end of the day
    Working and cleaning but stopping to play
    Loving her man who’s away on his ship
    Scrapbook in one hand, little boy on her hip

    Offering cheer to her coworkers and friends
    Her love and her LIGHT shine on all she attends.
    She faces each day with faith and with joy
    Nothing brings laughter like her sweet little boy.

    I bet these days are crazy. Praying - and loving you!

  4. Missing you....while you are missing him. Love, Cheryl

  5. Having some issues with my blog. I'm trying to come back!!! :)
