Saturday, August 3, 2013

Samuel and his "mowah"

Samuel is All Boy- 100%, without a doubt, all boy. He loves to point out "TRUCK" and play with his
"Mowah" (mower), especially in the afternoons when we get home from work/Kathi's house.

Best $14.99 purchase EVER!

On the move

Wanting me to push him
(We love hand-me-down toys!)

All over the place...


"Mowah!" (Showing me where it is)

"If only I was tall enough to reach THOSE tools!..."

"Somebody's got to do the work around here!"

"Man, I need to rest."

Break time

Break's over!

"This is a man's job"


Back and forth

Did I miss a spot?

All done!

Parking the mowah

"Just kidding! How could I forget to mow here?!?"

"Hurry up Mama. I've got work to do!"

1 comment:

  1. He is SO CUTE, Ashley -- and getting so big!!! What a sweet helper you have there! I love these pictures...and your captions!!! :)
