Thursday, September 26, 2013

What makes me happy

...watching the news early in the morning with a sleepy boy and his sippy cup tucked under my right arm

...the first sip of a warm cup of coffee with 2 packets of sweetener and flavored creamer

...hearing "Whan-doin, Mommy?" over and over in the sweetest sing song voice of my toddler

...mowing the yard, looking over to the pack 'n play in the garage, and seeing my sweet boy waving to me, absolutely thrilled to just be outside

...hearing my sweet boy count from 1 to 10, and skipping 5 and 6

...filling out the address label on a care package, knowing that as soon as Jacob sees my handwriting he will smile

...getting to say with pride "not only does my husband serve in the Navy, but I do too"

...knowing that, eventually, my Sailor will come home

* Ashley


  1. Such sweet blessings. :) :) I loved picturing the mowing scenario--Samuel is such a sweet boy with such a sweet mommy!

  2. Reading your blog makes me happy! It so sweet to hear of your joy with Samuel - and see your AMAZING creative ideas come to be and to know how much you love your husband.
