Monday, October 1, 2012

....And then there were 2

Today was a rough day for Samuel. He woke up in the middle of the night last night, and was in a funk all day. Even at Kathi's house he seemed to be off kilter. Maybe he knew....

Jacob came home after work and was able to spend a few hours with us before he had to head BACK to Norfolk to the Truman. Yes, it's that time again.

Really hoping October will be a fast month.  :(

Also, please keep me in your prayers. Now is NOT the time for me to be getting sick, and I've been sneezing and runny or stuffy since Friday. Not good.


  1. I am praying that you and Samuel both stay well.
    Also praying for energy and peace for you, Ashley.
    You are a wonderful Mom and wife! I hope your Mom's visit gets here soon! :)

  2. Glad you're better today. I love the family picture!
