Thursday, August 8, 2013

Busy week

We've been hopping at the Thomas household! This week was quite busy. I was in a class at Dam Neck Annex all week, so I did a LOT of driving. We live in Chesapeake, Kathi lives in Norfolk, and then I'd turn around and drive aaaaalllllll the way over to VA Beach! Whew! So glad I'm back at my normal job tomorrow.  :)

All dressed up for class

Samuel is doing great. We talk about Dada every day, and I think it comforts him to know that even though Jacob is gone, he isn't forgotten. We also got him a Daddy Doll and I think that really helps. My grandmother made him a military child Linus blanket at well, with the corner piece cut out. Jacob has the corner, and Samuel has the blanket here. And I bought a picture story book at Hallmark that has Jacob's picture under the flap on each page. All of these things, added to our routine, are (so far) helping.

We put together another package for Jacob this week. Since I take SO many pictures, I'm printing doubles and adding them to a small 4x6 album that I sent to Jacob each month. I gave Samuel some crayons and let him color a picture to put on the cover. He had a blast!

He looks so OLD!

I'm busy!

You KNOW it's serious when we have to lay down to color!  ;) 

Aaaand a little on the paper...
On Tuesday I was able to go on a special date- an EMAIL DATE- with my husband!!! His ship is currently in France and he was on Liberty. He sent me an email Monday night letting me know when to log on. He started out sending short emails to my phone, and when I got home Tuesday I sat down with my iPad. I would send him a short email from my account, then he would reply back. And back and forth we went. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!
We made plans to chat on Wednesday or Thursday... So I'm changing out of  my uniform Wednesday afternoon, when I see a 15 digit number on my phone. Hmmm??? It was JACOB!!! He was able to purchase a prepaid phone for about $55, add minutes to it (1 cent a minute!) and call me. We have been able to talk on the phone 2 days in a row now.  :)  It was exactly what Samuel and I needed. We were both in good spirits after hearing from Jacob/Dada.
Tomorrow, Friday, I have a BBQ with my fellow first classes from work. All of us are bringing our families, and I know Samuel will have a blast playing with the other kids. I'll be sure to post pictures here as well.
Thanks for looking!


  1. What a great post! I'm so glad you could e-mail and then TALK with Jacob! What a blessing! I LOVE the Daddy doll idea! I've never seen that before. It's wonderful! I bet Jacob loves the pictures that you send. Samuel is getting so big! It's kinda crazy watching him grow up so FAST!!!! We love you!

  2. I love this update! I'm so glad you could communicate with Jacob so much! I bet hearing his voice was the best surprise!! :)
