Sunday, August 11, 2013

Fun Friday

We started off our weekend with a BLAST! The first class petty officer association (at my command) threw a cookout on Friday afternoon. I was looking forward to it, but had no idea how much FUN we would have!!!  :) Our FCPOA President, Marvin, held it at his house. He's married with kids, and has the perfect backyard! There were toys for the kids, cold drinks, food on the grill, a trampoline, and even s'mores!  :)

In a matter of minutes, Samuel had found a truck. And had his shoes off!  :)
(Kathi did the girls' hair at daycare; Samuel needed a new do too!)

Our association President, his wife Diane, and others

Our Vice-President, Jim

Marvin's daughter, Callie, adopted Samuel and played with him the whole time! It was great for me!!

Samuel and Callie, dancing up a storm!

Getting spoiled by Emily and Tim on the trampoline

Getting the royal treatment by Callie
On Saturday, Samuel and I just hung out at home. I stayed up WAY too late on Friday night, so I didn't want to go anywhere. While I worked on a gift for a friend on my craft table, Samuel created a reading nest UNDER the table.

Books, blankets, and juice- what more could a boy want?!?

Relaxing on Sunday
My beautiful boy
I'm ready to start the week. We have stuff planned for the next 3 weekends in a row. The weeks go by quickly, but the weekends seem to drag. It's hard to believe that Jacob has ONLY been gone 3 weeks.  :(  Usually, this is about the time that he comes back. It was good to talk to him when they were in France, but I don't know when I'll hear his voice again....
On to Monday!!
P.S. And Jacob, if you can read this, the cookout would have been 1,000 times better with you by my side!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. It look like you two had a great time. I'm so glad! :)
