Thursday, August 1, 2013

Good bye July!!! :(

To say I'm glad July is over is an understatement. Whew! I was dreading this month, and all the changes that came with it- getting Jacob ready to leave, taking care of everything myself, getting back into the swing of my craft projects, and finding a new routine.

This past month has been pretty rough. I've had a LOT of ups and downs, and I'm looking at August 1st as a fresh start. And maybe some cooler weather!  :)


The birthday celebration for my friend Jenny went really well today. I brought a few fun goodies to drop off at her desk throughout the day. At lunchtime, one of the girls brought in chicken. We were able to enjoy a fun lunch, and then we had cake and Blue Bell "The Great Divide" ice cream for dessert. (She LOVES Blue Bell!)

Happy Birthday Jenny!

She told us earlier in the day how she smashes cake in her son's face on his birthday, so we planned an attack!!!


Good sport

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