Saturday, September 21, 2013


We've had a great weekend so far, even though Samuel isn't feeling well.  :(  Jacob called from Bahrain on Friday, twice, and we got to talk to him for a few minutes this morning.

Friday night the Family Readiness Group (FRG) for the USS Truman had a craft event, so we went to that. Unfortunately traffic didn't want to agree, and it took us over an hour to get there.  :( However, we had a lot of fun, I met a new friend (with a 2yr old son and 4yr old daughter), and it got us out of the house. Yay!

We I decorated a box with tissue paper after Samuel said our special prayer for Daddy into the box
Me Dear God, please watch over Daddy on the...
Samuel Boat!
Me Keep him...
Samuel SAFE!
Me And bring him home...
Samuel SOON!
Me In...
Samuel Jesus
Me Name...
Samuel AMEN!

Then, while I was talking to another mom, Samuel went over to a corner and started unwrapping the "present". Sigh. Life with a toddler is never boring!
This morning, Samuel slept until 8:30 AM. He's had a bit of a cough, so I imagine he needed the extra sleep. He's usually up by 7:30 AM at the latest so this was a nice change. We hung out around the house, and I made 2 cards and prepped 2 packages to go in the mail.
All of a sudden I looked at the was almost 12:30!!! I threw clothes on Samuel and I and we rushed out the door to the post office. Whew! We made it in time. Only to find out...they're open until 2 PM on Saturdays. Oh well.
Samuel seemed to be doing well, so I thought I'd chance it and grab some lunch. We stopped at a pizza place, but he wasn't interested in food. I ate a few bites, and then we headed over to Michael's before going home. 
That place was packed! I was able to find a wooden pumpkin for Samuel to paint and send to Jacob, as well as a foam skeleton that could go on the door to Jacob's shop on the ship. All of the Halloween decorations were on sale, and we even bought a costume for Amy's dog, King!  :)
My lil' punkin!

I fed him candy corn M&M's for the good behavior at the store...and then he fell asleep!  :)
And we've been home ever since! I'm looking forward to church tomorrow, grabbing a few things at the grocery, and getting ready for the week.
Thanks for stopping by!
* Ashley


  1. I am loving your posts! I'm just having trouble leaving a comment. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YEA YEA YEA - It went through. (Twice, evidently.) :) I am SO enjoying seeing your beautiful face and the face of your sweet (GROWING) boy on this blog. Thank you for writing and keeping us in the loop! I LOVE IT!!!!!! Things are good here. We are going to Becca and Matt's tonight to help him put stuff up in their attic. They almost have their garage completely cleared of boxes. Amazing! (Isn't moving fun? Not.) Jeff is LOVING retirement. I love having him home. We currently have Matt and Ariana's dog, Buddy, visiting while they are at the beach. He is a very sweet dog. (But he sheds like nobody's business.) :) Charis and Cai come over today. We are going to make a craft with leaves...and get into all sorts of mischief. We love you, Ashley. You are a WONDERFUL mother and wife and friend. (And I'm so glad I can finally TELL you so on this blog. :)

  4. YEA for phone calls!!! I hope Samuel is on the mend. :)
