Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week In The Life, Sunday Sep 15


Number of photos taken: 21 (not counting what I deleted)

Don't forget: On Saturday, Samuel said "grandma" for the first time!! (He knows everyone in the family by name...except my Mom.) On Sunday, he napped for over 2 hours after church so I was able to eat lunch in peace and do all my housework!

On the menu for breakfast: cereal. As requested.

Finishing up my Week In The Life entries from yesterday

Acting goofy saying "cheese!"

Fresh nappy

Still in jams

" 'aisins!!" (raisins)
I caught him while he was talking  ;)

Grabbing a few groceries after church

Pumpkin Spice Latte...
AFTER the PRT is over!

Pretending to be asleep, complete with "snoring" sounds

FaceTime with Papa and Grandma

Unknown's my Sailor!!!  :)

Ah, he looks so calm. I had no idea he'd cry from 8:45-9:30 tonight.  :(
Last week I didn't do so well with getting him to bed on time, so I paid the price.
Thanks for stopping by!
* Ashley

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