Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week In The Life, Friday Sep 13

* Today was AWESOME!! I mean, a day that goes in the books! Really! We had beautiful weather, my spirits were up, but most importantly, 2 of my dear friends got pinned and are now CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS in the US Navy!!!  :)  It was SO exciting to be part of their big day!

Number of photos taken: 75 (not counting what I deleted)

Don't forget: Josh and Sara are both CPOs!!!  :)

Vanilla (meal) shake

Navy Service Uniform (NSUs)- I wanted to dress up in honor of my friends

This little guy is LOVING Week In The Life and all the attention he's getting

Kathi loves Samuel like he's her own...
And we love Kathi!

PRC (AW/SW) Joshua Bolyard

NCC (AW/SW) Sara Waggoner

I got to put my new edger to work today. The initial task will be tough, but the upkeep of the grass shouldn't be too bad. Can you see where I took "bites" out of the yard??  ;)

Finally tackled the basket of laundry I've been cherry-picking out of all week
And that was my Friday! SOOO ready for the weekend!!  :)
* Ashley 

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