Monday, September 9, 2013

Week In The Life, Monday Sep. 9

* I printed out Ali Edwards' free Daily Sheets and tucked them inside a page protector with a pen. I forgot to charge my camera (oops!) so I took my cable to work and had it charging under my desk while I worked. I've never done Week In The Life before, but look forward to the challenge of getting pictures of ME included. (especially since I'm the only person in my home over 2 feet tall)  ;)

Number of Photos taken: 30

Don't forget: Samuel talking up a storm and all the funny things he says. Luckily I wrote them down.

An email from my Sailor at 5:10 AM. Great start to my day!!  :)

Blue undershirt on, hair going up in a bun.

Sleepy bear- 5:30 is too early, Mommy!

Chatting with one of my coworkers.
Her husband is on the USS Truman also!

Best part of my day

Umm, I promise those aren't high heels on his feet.
And I won't tell you he's good at walking in them, either.  ;)

Going to bed VERY late after doing yard work

Working on my Petty Officer First Class evaluation
Thanks for stopping by!
* Ashley

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