Monday, August 12, 2013

Rain, rain...we love you!

We love rain at our house. It doesn't matter if we're home, or out running errands, Jacob and I both love rain. We especially love putting Samuel to bed, ordering a pizza, and watching a movie while there's thunder and lightning all around us.  :)

On Sunday, Samuel and I ran out to run a few errands. Just as I was putting him in his carseat after our last stop, the drops started. By the time I was in the car, it was POURING! And once we got on the road, it was raining SIDEWAYS!!! Luckily he was so mesmerized by it all that he was pretty quiet on the ride back to the house.

Once we got home, though, it was almost over. And Samuel couldn't WAIT to get outside and PLAY!  :)

Throwing a ball

The "deep end" at the end of our driveway

 Very proud of himself

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now!

Here I come!

Making big splashes!!!



1 comment:

  1. Yea for rain! These picture are priceless!!! You are a terrific mom for letting him get out there in it! :) These picture just make me smile!!!
