Monday, September 9, 2013


Hi! It's been a few weeks since I posted because...we've been traveling!!  :) We visited my sister Amanda in Maryland 3 weeks ago, and then went to TN for Labor Day Weekend. It was a LOT of fun, but we are happy to be home for a bit. Here are a few pictures I wanted to share...

Amanda used to work for a chicken distribution company, so now she decorates with chickens!!

Sitting in the "kee kee" bed
I think the kitties were MORE than happy for us to go home.  ;)

Outside P.F. Chang's
We got home Sunday evening, unpacked, and repacked to drive to TN on Thursday...

Reading with "Yay Yay"

Meeting new friends, Asa and Anna Reaghan

Sitting in Papa's chair

Getting a haircut from "Body"

Me and my boy on Sunday
This week is already off to a great start- Samuel woke up in a GREAT mood this morning, we're 8 weeks closer to Jacob coming home, and I'm doing Week In The Life with Ali Edwards. I printed off the free sheets, and started taking notes and taking pictures first thing this morning. I will post my progress each day, and plan to show my completed album next week. This is just the precursor to DECEMBER DAILY!!!  :)


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