Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week In The Life, Thursday Sep 12

* My brain is tired, my body is tired. I'm ready for Friday!  :(

Photos taken: 56 (not counting what I deleted)

Don't forget: An impromptu stop at the mall for an edger ended in a great time playing at the indoor playground. SO glad I had my camera!

5:05 AM = too early!!

Out with the old, in with the new

Boots on!

One quick shot before we go

Vanilla breakfast smoothie with strawberries and bananas

The Sailor's Creed- posted in the helicopter squadron I was inspecting yesterday

Pretty little helicopters, all in a row

Taking a minute to email my Sailor

"Mowah!!" (mower)

Out and about


Running very fast

Throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't want to go home

"If you give a cat a cupcake" book
Any of the books in this series are referred to as "mouse book" by Samuel
And 2 very special pictures taken by MY SWEET BOY!!!
I held the camera and he "push the button"...

Thanks for looking!
* Ashley

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