Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week In The Life, Wednesday Sep. 11

The National Ensign is at Half Mast in remembrance of September 11, 2011

It's hard to believe that 12 years ago today, my life and personal mission in the Navy would change so drastically. I'd been in the Navy 1.5 years and had completed a 6 month deployment onboard the USS Truman. (My husband was on that cruise, but I didn't know this yet) When I heard the news from my Leading Petty Officer (LPO), I thought it was a joke. We got the only F-14 fighter we had at home, #114, out of the hangar and onto the flight line. Just in case. And then the base was shut down. You couldn't come on Naval Air Station Oceana, and you couldn't leave. I'll remember it like it was yesterday.


So this morning, after command Physical Training (PT), the First Class Petty Officers that are preparing to become Chief Petty Officers (pinning will be Friday) performed colors outside my building at 0800. I would have given ANYTHING to be able to take pictures, but I was in formation. And taking pictures, while at attention, is a HUGE no no. (I did it once at a retirement ceremony, but I was at attention in the audience. And I STILL heard about it later!)  :(  So no pictures of that.

My day was spent inspecting one of the helicopter squadrons on base (I'm on an inspection team for my shore duty), and taking pictures while inspecting tends to make people nervous. Sigh. So no pictures there either

But here are some of the pictures I DID take...   :)

Text messages from work before I'm even out of bed...not a good sign

Getting into PT gear, hair in a ponytail
If I got a $1 each time I was told I look like a Minion... 

"Sips" and "Tee Tee on!" before leaving for Kathi's/work

6 minutes after we leave the house...and the bridge is up

$3.13 a gallon for gas on base- not too shabby!

After a long day of inspecting, and dinner at church...

Happy Mail!
I ordered the Family Stories collection from Teresa Collins. The Santa's List collection, also from her, is for my Dec Daily album this year. I can't wait!!!

Happy Sam!

Stinky Diaper Genie
Shoo shoo!!

And I had to bring some work home. One of my many jobs as an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (PR) is to maintain flight gear (helmets, vests, radios, etc.) for aircrew, as well as sew Velcro on flight suits, repair and modify gear, as well as do inspections on aircraft installed items. All that to of my jobs is sewing.  :) I had to bring 2 flight suits home to sew so they'd be ready first thing tomorrow.

And that was my day! This was quite an interesting day, and I took about 35 photos. (not counting deleted photos) I don't want to forget how excited Samuel got tonight when we got home and walked to the mailbox. "May-ul! May-ul!" He's not strong enough to get the door open, but he gets SUPER excited to see all the mail IN the box. Almost like he's opened a present.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!

* Ashley

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