Saturday, July 27, 2013

Catching up

I'm in the middle of updating my Project Life album right now. My goal was to have the first album (I'm breaking up this year into 2 albums) done by the end of June. I knew that July would be INSANE, and I wanted to be caught up.* Well....I'm a little in, 4 weeks behind!!! Arrrg! (that's my frustrated growl)  :)  I will post pictures once I've made some progress on my PL album, but I wanted to post these pictures we took in DC.

[*Truthfully, you're never really "caught up" in scrapbooking. What works for me right now is doing Project Life, and making a To Do list of things I want to make scrapbook pages of. Then, when I finally get some time, I know where I left off.]

First comes love...
(Thank you, Jacob Thomas, for your look of excitement. Sigh.)

Then comes marriage!!!  :)

Then comes a SAMUEL in a baby carriage!!!  :)   :)
Yes, this is DEFINITELY going on the scrapbook pages To Do list.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE those pictures -- what a sweet idea!!! Love. Love. Love. (Even if Jacob doesn't look so sure. Ha.) They will make a wonderful scrapbook page....and be wonderful memories! :)
